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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tool # Cinco

I almost forgot I had a delicious account, while at UH we student teachers were always looking for a leg up on online resources. Our professor had infinite number of web pages that she gave us all access to, today I found myself trying to filter out the ones that I found least helpful.

I found myself searching for math games, not only for the content that I am going to teach, but we also let our daughter play them at home...
She liked...
www.funbrain.com She said it was easy to navigate.

www.coolmath4kids.com She said it was fun to navigate, and she liked how she could review before playing a game.

I made sure to bookmark these two links for her. I am actually going to pass them along to my friends who have asked me for links to visit with their kiddos. Which brings up how easily one can share their bookmarks with people. I like how you can organize your links, it is a useful way to find information quickly.

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