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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tool # Once

Digital citizenship

I always educate people on the importance of being technologically literate. Our world consists of technology everywhere we go, in everything we do and for the most part see. Our students need to be able to hold their ground in this competitive world we live in, and that especially includes understanding technology.

Being a good digital citizen includes understanding how to use it correctly. As a student it means understanding how to use the information safely and legally. Understanding how to cite properly and giving due credit where needed. As an adult (young) it also means using it responsibly, understanding that posting something on the web means that it is ALL available for everyone to see. The good and the bad.

For children it means learning how to be safe on the Internet. Understanding that not all can be trusted. Understanding the ugly and the scary about the Internet. Taking responsibility for the sites they use and choose to enter. For parents it means staying on top of things and ahead of your children. Allowing Internet access responsibly, and understanding the dangers for children on the Internet and talking to their kiddos about them.

Lastly I think cyber bullying is an extremely important one to discuss. Students and adults alike do not always understand what this is or looks like until it becomes a horror story on the news. Teaching students that what we post on the web should reflect who we are as a person.

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